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Trust Yourself

My hope is that what I convey to others through a conversation, a written piece, or a video will motivate and inspire them to make positive life choices.

Attending seminars, classes, and reading a great deal of books helps me to develop the one thing I found I was good at. While learning something new, I do not take notes, but rather take action steps that reveal themselves to me as a result of my inspiration.

These action steps are then entered into my calendar, rather than a file of notes that I am unlikely to revisit in the future.

While pursuing my entrepreneurial career, I discovered that there are three basic rules for success.

  1. The first step towards becoming a successful individual is to identify the need and then, develop a solution. The world is in need of many things.

  2. You should pursue what you are passionate about. The pursuit of money or fame should never cause you to compromise your actions. The same is true for power, as they are all short-lived.

  3. You need to find someone who is willing to pay you.

  4. Encourage yourself to live in a world of possibilities, not limitations.

Finding the one thing you want to do must be an individual decision. You will never be extraordinary if you follow the success of others. It is common to see people enroll in medical schools solely to become doctors due to prestige, parental pressure, or other reasons unrelated to true service. Thus, finding a doctor who truly wants to heal others has become increasingly difficult.

When you examine your own conventional path, you will always find something good, especially if you feel confident about your choices.

By the time I realized that I needed to change my career path, I was already in my 40s. It has been a pleasure to dedicate my life to the veterinary industry for nearly 20 years. I have always had a particular affinity for animals and felt I could read and understand them. Throughout all that time, I have never been injured by an animal, despite seeing many extremely aggressive ones. I have worked with people who have lost digits, had their faces ripped off, and suffered many other serious injuries. A common practice in the veterinary industry is the provision of life insurance. I believe that the fact that I always came back home unscathed indicates that my best skill was understanding my patients. The animals have also come to trust me over time, due to the fact that I have learned how to behave myself in their presence. Even when I was standing in front of them with a large needle inserted directly into their jugular vein.

My job was very fulfilling, I didn't take any days off, or sick days. It was not uncommon for me to be the first person to arrive at the clinic and the last person to leave. Unfortunately, due to an accident, it was impossible for me to do anything other than write notes, take phone calls, etc. I was unable to touch animals, but I had more time to start talking to my co-workers, and other people more frequently.

In addition to discussing my problems, we also discussed the challenges that other people were facing. Over time, I became closer to my colleagues and realized that I have a unique understanding of both the human psyche and animals. As a result, I become aware of how I can assist myself and those around me. The veterinary industry was always so close to my heart and the need there was infinite. Know that the veterinary industry is an emotionally charged field. It is not just anybody who enjoys helping an animal that smells, poops, pees, vomits on them, and wants to bite their head off all at once. I cannot recall ever working with someone who was not highly sensitive and emotional. Emotions at work boil at all times, whether one is a highly successful specialist or a kennel assistant. Regardless of how desperately we wish to save a life, sooner or later, there will come a point when it is necessary to fill their veins with barbiturates. Having to play God entails a high price, and it is always traumatic. Our minds always wonder if everything we've done has really been enough. Financial concerns lead owners to make the most difficult decisions. Despite our best efforts, we cannot save everyone since there is a limit to how many animals we can have at home. In the veterinary industry, there is often a cost involved when you are trying to bring comfort to someone's life. In the end, I realize I wanted to do nothing other than bring health, comfort, and happiness to others. It is said you can't buy happiness, but through my life experiences, I believe I have found the perfect formula for happiness that I am happy to share, many times for free if needed. My passion led me to find people who were willing to pay me for something I love to do. With a deep interest in behavioral neuroscience, I became a certified coach specializing in emotional intelligence. In the world of technology, EQ is the only skill that makes us better than computers.

My biggest takeaways from this transition were:

  1. It pays off to invest in yourself in order to become even better at what you are already good at. Even if it means sacrificing your dream, putting money into yourself is always a good decision.

  2. Trust your instincts. It is inevitable that you will become extraordinary because you would not be attracted to energy like this unless you were destined to be a part of it.

  3. Your potential should not be undermined by people who doubt it

Trusting yourself will naturally make you feel more confident, especially as time marches on. With all the opportunities that require confidence, it's easy to see why this characteristic is so valuable, not to mention... very attractive. Confidence should not be confused with arrogance. As opposed to arrogance, confidence involves positively expressing your abilities rather than boasting about them. Understanding the difference between confidence, resourcefulness, and collaboration at work is crucial for remaining confident, resourceful, and collaborative.

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